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Manship, Paul Howard

(Encyclopedia) Manship, Paul Howard, 1885–1966, American sculptor, b. St. Paul, Minn., studied at St. Paul Institute of Arts, Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, and the American Academy at Rome.…

Marat, Jean Paul

(Encyclopedia) Marat, Jean PaulMarat, Jean PaulzhäN pōl märäˈ [key], 1743–93, French revolutionary, b. Switzerland. He studied medicine in England, acquired some repute as a doctor in London and…

McCracken, Paul Winston

(Encyclopedia) McCracken, Paul Winston, 1915–2012, American economist; b. Richland, Iowa. He taught at the Univ. of Michigan's school of business administration from 1948, except for time in…

MacCready, Paul Beattie

(Encyclopedia) MacCready, Paul Beattie, 1925–2007, American engineer and inventor known for his achievements in human-powered flight, b. New Haven, Conn., Ph.D. California Institute of Technology,…

Lazarsfeld, Paul F.

(Encyclopedia) Lazarsfeld, Paul F.Lazarsfeld, Paul F.läˈzərsfĕltˌ [key], 1901–76, American sociologist, b. Vienna. After beginning as a mathematician, he established a research center for social…

Lauterbur, Paul Christian

(Encyclopedia) Lauterbur, Paul Christian, 1929–2007, American chemist, b. Sidney, Ohio, Ph.D. Univ. of Pittsburgh, 1962. Lauterbur was (1969–85) a faculty member at the State Univ. of New York at…

Chabas, Paul Émile

(Encyclopedia) Chabas, Paul ÉmileChabas, Paul Émilepōl āmēlˈ shäbäsˈ [key], 1869–1937, French academic painter. He is remembered chiefly for his nude, September Morn, which created a sensation when…

Cambon, Pierre Paul

(Encyclopedia) Cambon, Pierre PaulCambon, Pierre Paulpyĕr [key]Cambon, Pierre Paulpōl [key]Cambon, Pierre Paul käNbôNˈ [key], 1843–1924, French diplomat; brother of Jules Martin Cambon. Named…

Brown, Paul Eugene

(Encyclopedia) Brown, Paul Eugene, 1908–91, American football coach, b. Norwalk, Ohio, B.A., Miami Univ., 1925, M.A., Ohio State Univ., 1930. After coaching high school teams, he coached Ohio State (…

Botta, Paul Émile

(Encyclopedia) Botta, Paul ÉmileBotta, Paul Émilepôl āmēlˈ bôtäˈ [key], 1805–70, French archaeologist and government official. While consular agent at Mosul (1843) he made his renowned discoveries of…