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Campaign 2008: Primary and Caucus Results

  Candidates Hillary ClintonBarack ObamaJohn EdwardsBill RichardsonChristopher DoddJoseph BidenDennis KucinichRudolph GiulianiFred ThompsonJohn McCainMitt RomneyMike HuckabeeRon…


(Encyclopedia) BorgheseBorghesebōrgāˈzā [key], Roman noble family, originally of Siena. It produced one pope, Paul V, several cardinals, and many prominent citizens. The Borghese were noted patrons…

Arthur Emanuel NELSON, Congress, MN (1892-1955)

Senate Years of Service: 1942-1943Party: RepublicanNELSON, Arthur Emanuel, a Senator from Minnesota; born in Browns Valley, Traverse County, Minn., May 10, 1892; attended the public schools,…


(Encyclopedia) EsterházyEsterházyĕsˈtĕrhäˌzē [key], princely Hungarian family. Paul, Fürst Esterházy von Galantha, 1635–1713, was elected palatine (regent) of Hungary in 1681 and distinguished…

Luke, Saint

(Encyclopedia) Luke, Saint [Gr. Lucas], traditional author of the third Gospel (see Luke, Gospel according to Saint) and of its sequel, the Acts of the Apostles. Paul's letter to the Colossians…

Lightfoot, Joseph Barber

(Encyclopedia) Lightfoot, Joseph Barber, 1828–89, English prelate and scholar. A fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge, he became Hulsean professor of divinity (1861) and Lady Margaret professor (1875…


(Encyclopedia) Julius, in the New Testament, centurion in whose charge Paul was sent to Rome.


(Encyclopedia) ColossiansColossianskəlŏshˈənz [key], New Testament letter. It was written to the Christians of Colossae and Laodicea, ostensibly by Paul while he was in prison, presumably in Rome (c.…

Arakcheyev, Aleksey Andreyevich

(Encyclopedia) Arakcheyev, Aleksey AndreyevichArakcheyev, Aleksey Andreyevichəlĭksyāˈ əndrāˈyəvĭch äräkchāˈyĕf [key], 1769–1834, Russian general, adviser to Czar Alexander I. An exacting officer, he…