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Langevin, Paul

(Encyclopedia) Langevin, PaulLangevin, Paulpōl [key]Langevin, Paul läNzhəvăNˈ [key], 1872–1946, French physicist and chemist. He was professor of experimental physics at the Collège de France from…

Klee, Paul

(Encyclopedia) Klee, PaulKlee, Paulpoul klā [key], 1879–1940, Swiss painter, graphic artist, and art theorist, b. near Bern. Klee's enormous production (more than 10,000 paintings, drawings, and…

Kane, Paul

(Encyclopedia) Kane, Paul, 1810–71, Canadian painter, b. Ireland. Kane went to Toronto as a child. He studied art in the United States (1836–41) and in Europe (1841–45). After his return to Canada (…

Lafargue, Paul

(Encyclopedia) Lafargue, PaulLafargue, Paulpôl läfärgˈ [key], 1842–1911, French socialist, b. Cuba; son-in-law of Karl Marx. With Jules Guesde he helped found a Marxist socialist party in France. His…

Karrer, Paul

(Encyclopedia) Karrer, Paul, 1889–1971, Swiss organic chemist, Ph.D. Univ. of Zürich, 1911. From 1912 to 1918, Karrer was a chemist at the Georg Speyer Haus, Frankfurt-am-Main. He left in 1919 to…

Poiret, Paul

(Encyclopedia) Poiret, PaulPoiret, Paulpōl pwärĕˈ [key], 1879–1944, French couturier, b. Paris. He served an apprenticeship with Jacques Doucet in the 1890s, moved to the Maison Worth in 1900, and in…

Potter, Paul

(Encyclopedia) Potter, Paul or Paulus, 1625–54, Dutch animal and landscape painter and etcher. In The Hague he enjoyed the patronage of the prince of Nassau, for whom he painted the celebrated life-…

Cézanne, Paul

(Encyclopedia) Cézanne, PaulCézanne, Paulpōl sāzänˈ [key], 1839–1906, French painter, b. Aix-en-Provence. Cézanne was the leading figure in the revolution toward abstraction in modern painting.…

Cadmus, Paul

(Encyclopedia) Cadmus, Paul, 1904–99, American painter, b. N.Y.C.; studied National Academy of Design (1919–26), Art Students' League (1928). From 1933–35 he and painter Jared French traveled to…

Bunyan, Paul

(Encyclopedia) Bunyan, Paul, legendary American lumberjack. He was the hero of a series of “tall tales” popular through the timber country from Michigan westward. Bunyan was known for his fantastic…