Spotlight on Bats Mysterious Mammals on the Fly Source: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Bats may be the most misunderstood animals in the United States. Almost all U.S. bats, and 70…
Dealing with Sexual HarassmentThe Supreme CourtEducating Our KidsPunishing StudentsTesting for DrugsDealing with Sexual HarassmentLegalizing School Vouchers Sexual harassment makes the…
By Mike Morrison, John Gettings, and Gerry Brown RAY BOURQUE Bourque didn't need much. He had a family, money, and a solid gold hall-of-fame career. But the one thing he still needed was a…
Day-to-day news from Beijing by Liz Olson, Mark Hughes, Chris Warner, and Beth Rowen Top Medal Count*United States: 110China: 100Russia: 72 Friday, Aug. 8 The 2008 Summer Games open in…
How Fast Are You? Testing and Measuring ReflexesIntermediate-Level Science ProjectsHow Fast Are You? Testing and Measuring ReflexesDetermining Your Speediest ShoesDoes Caffeine Increase Heart Rate…
Party Time
Late Saturday morning, Dad and I were doing the dishes from our yummy blueberry pancake breakfast when the phone rang.
âHello? Yes, she is. Hold on just a second. ⦠It's…
(Encyclopedia) gem, commonly, a mineral or organic substance, cut and polished and used as an ornament. Gems also are used as seals (items of assurance) and as talismans (good-luck charms). For…
Day-to-day news from Athens by Shmuel Ross and Erin Teare Martin Sunday, August 29 Highlights of the Day A man with a history of disrupting sporting events runs onto the marathon course,…
Hong KongHong Konghŏng kŏng [key], Mandarin Xianggang, special administrative region of China, formerly a British crown colony (2015 est. pop. 7,246,000), land area 422 sq mi (1…