(Encyclopedia) Gassendi, PierreGassendi, Pierrepyĕr gäsäNdēˈ [key], 1592–1655, French philosopher and scientist. A teacher and priest, Gassendi taught at Digne, Aix, and the Royal College at Paris…
(Encyclopedia) Flourens, Pierre (Marie Jean Pierre Flourens)Flourens, Pierrepyĕr fl&oomacr;räNsˈ [key], 1794–1867, French physiologist. He demonstrated the respiratory center in the medulla and…
(Encyclopedia) Janet, PierreJanet, Pierrepyĕr zhänāˈ [key], 1859–1947, French physician and psychologist. As director (1890–98) of the laboratory of pathological psychology at Salpêtrière and as…
(Encyclopedia) Jurieu, PierreJurieu, Pierrepyĕr zhüryöˈ [key], 1637–1713, French Calvinist theologian. He was (1674–81) professor at Sedan. In 1681 in an attempt to preserve Huguenot liberties he…
(Encyclopedia) Monteux, PierreMonteux, Pierrepyĕr môNtöˈ [key], 1875–1964, French-American conductor, studied at the Paris Conservatory. As conductor (1911–14) of Diaghilev's Ballets Russes, he…
(Encyclopedia) Messmer, Pierre (Pierre Joseph Auguste Messmer)Messmer, Pierrepyĕr mĕsmāˈ [key], 1916–, French political leader. In World War II he fought with the Free French forces before joining…
(Encyclopedia) Nicole, PierreNicole, Pierrepyĕr nēkôlˈ [key], 1625–95, French Jansenist writer. He studied and taught at Port-Royal abbey, the center of Jansenism (see under Jansen, Cornelis). One of…
(Encyclopedia) Nkurunziza, PierreNkurunziza, Pierrenk&oomacr;r&oomacr;nzēˈzä [key], 1964–2020, Burundian political leader. A Hutu whose father was killed (1972) in an ethnic massacre, he…
(Encyclopedia) Lescot, PierreLescot, Pierrepyĕr lĕskōˈ [key], c.1510–1578, French Renaissance architect. Appointed by Francis I to design a new royal palace in Paris, he built the earliest portions…
(Encyclopedia) Louÿs, PierreLouÿs, Pierrepyĕr l&oomacr;ēˈ [key], 1870–1925, French writer of the Parnassian school, whose real name was Pierre Louis. His early poems, collected as Astarté (1891…