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Lance Henriksen

actor, screenwriterBorn: 5/5/1940Birthplace: New York City His rugged face and a gravely voice, combined with his edgy characters, have earned Lance Henriksen a reputation as one of the best…

Tromp, Maarten Harpertszoon

(Encyclopedia) Tromp, Maarten HarpertszoonTromp, Maarten Harpertszoonmärˈtən härˈpərtsōn [key]Tromp, Maarten Harpertszoon trômp [key], 1597–1653, Dutch admiral. A sailor from childhood, he joined the…

April 2007

Here are the key news events of the month organized into three categories: World News, U.S. News, and Business, Society, and Science News. World Ukrainian…

Where is the Island of Goree?

The Question: Where is the Island of Goree? The Answer: The Island of Goree is located off the coast of the West African country of Senegal. It was…

William WHIPPLE, Congress, NH (1730-1785)

WHIPPLE, William, a Delegate from New Hampshire; born in Kittery, York County, Maine, January 14, 1730; became a sailor and engaged in the slave trade; freed his slaves and engaged in…

John Holmes BURLEIGH, Congress, ME (1822-1877)

BURLEIGH, John Holmes, (son of William Burleigh), a Representative from Maine; born in South Berwick, York County, Maine, October 9, 1822; attended the local academy; became a sailor when…

Classical Mythology: Eeek! Sea Monsters!

Eeek! Sea Monsters!Classical MythologyTake the Long Way Home: OdysseusGoing Home So Soon? Not Bloody LikelyThe Poseidon AdventuresEeek! Sea Monsters!Hi, Honey, I'm Home! The More Things Change ...…


(Encyclopedia) windsurfing, also called boardsailing or sailboarding, water sport that employs a board-and-sail device and combines elements of sailing and surfing. The sailboard was first developed…

Ledyard, John

(Encyclopedia) Ledyard, JohnLedyard, Johnlĕdˈyərd [key], 1751–89, American adventurer, b. Groton, Conn. He studied at Dartmouth for year, but left college to ship as a sailor. In 1776 he joined Capt…

Asian Loan Words in English: Polynesian

Asian loan words in English by Ann-Marie Imbornoni Hawaiian hula luau ukelele, from words meaning "flea jumping." Tahitian tattoo, introduced to the English-speaking world by Capt. James…