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Louis I, king of Hungary

(Encyclopedia) Louis I or Louis the Great, 1326–82, king of Hungary (1342–82) and of Poland (1370–82). He succeeded his father, Charles I, in Hungary, and his uncle, Casimir III, in Poland. He…

Louis I, king of Naples

(Encyclopedia) Louis I, 1339–84, king of Naples (1382–84; rival claimant to Charles III), duke of Anjou, count of Provence, second son of John II of France. He founded the second Angevin line in…

Louis II, king of Naples

(Encyclopedia) Louis II, 1377–1417, king of Naples (1384–1417), duke of Anjou, count of Provence, son and successor of Louis I of Naples. In 1389 the antipope Clement VII (Robert of Geneva) invested…

Louis III, king of Naples

(Encyclopedia) Louis III, 1403–34, king of Naples (1417–34; rival claimant to Joanna II), duke of Anjou, count of Provence, son and successor of Louis II. He invaded Naples in 1420. Queen Joanna…

Louis I, king of Portugal

(Encyclopedia) Louis I, 1838–89, king of Portugal (1861–89), son of Maria II and Ferdinand II. He succeeded to the throne on the death of his brother Peter V. His reign was marked by much political…

Louis, titular duke of Burgundy

(Encyclopedia) Louis, 1682–1712, titular duke of Burgundy; grandson of King Louis XIV of France. He became heir to the throne on the death (1711) of his father, Louis the Great Dauphin. François de…

Elzevir, Louis

(Encyclopedia) Elzevir, LouisElzevir, Louisĕlˈzəvər, –vēr [key], 1540–1617, Dutch printer and bookseller, whose name also appeared as Elsevier or Elzevier. He produced his first book at Leiden in…

Louis, Saint

(Encyclopedia) Louis, Saint: see Louis IX, king of France.

Louis, Joe

(Encyclopedia) Louis, Joe (Joseph Louis Barrow)Louis, Joel&oomacr;ˈĭs [key], 1914–81, American boxer, b. Lafayette, Ala. His father, a sharecropper, died when Louis was four years old, and in…

Blanche of Castile

(Encyclopedia) Blanche of CastileBlanche of CastilebläNsh, kăstēlˈ [key], 1185?–1252, queen of Louis VIII of France and regent during the minority (1226–34) of their son Louis IX. A forceful and…