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Okhotsk, Sea of

(Encyclopedia) Okhotsk, Sea ofOkhotsk, Sea ofōkŏtskˈ [key], Rus. Okhotskoye More, 590,000 sq mi (1,528,100 sq km), northwest arm of the Pacific Ocean, W of the Kamchatka peninsula and the Kuril…

Oklahoma, University of

(Encyclopedia) Oklahoma, University of, mainly at Norman, state supported; coeducational; chartered 1890, opened 1892. The schools of medicine and nursing, with hospitals and a research foundation,…

Oliva, Peace of

(Encyclopedia) Oliva, Peace ofOliva, Peace ofōlēˈvə, –vä [key], 1660, treaty signed at Oliva (now a suburb of Gdańsk) by Poland and Sweden. John II of Poland renounced the theoretical claim of his…

Olives, Mount of

(Encyclopedia) Olives, Mount of, or OlivetOlivetŏlˈĭvĕt [key], ridge, E of Jerusalem, mentioned in the Old Testament as the scene of David's flight from the city, Ezekiel's theophany, and Zechariah's…

Paris, Congress of

(Encyclopedia) Paris, Congress of, 1856, conference held by representatives of France, Great Britain, the Ottoman Empire (Turkey), Sardinia, Russia, Austria, and Prussia to negotiate the peace after…

Paris, Declaration of

(Encyclopedia) Paris, Declaration of, 1856, agreement concerning the rules of maritime warfare, issued at the Congress of Paris. It was the first major attempt to codify the international law of the…

Paris, Treaty of

(Encyclopedia) Paris, Treaty of, any of several important treaties, signed at or near Paris, France. For the Treaty of Paris of 1856, see Paris, Congress of. For the Treaty of Paris of 1898,…