A list of the African-Americans currently serving in the 112th Congress. There are 41 black members in the House of Representatives and none in the Senate. State House…
Senate Years of Service: 1846-1855; 1855-1859Party: Democrat; American (Know-Nothing)HOUSTON, Samuel, (father of Andrew Jackson Houston and cousin of David Hubbard), a Representative from…
Senate Years of Service: 1871-1877; 1879-1886Party: Republican; RepublicanLOGAN, John Alexander, a Representative and a Senator from Illinois; born in Murphysboro, Jackson County, Ill., on…
Senate Years of Service: 1819-1829Party: Democratic Republican; Jackson Republican; JacksonianJOHNSON, Richard Mentor, (brother of James Johnson [1774-1826] and John Telemachus Johnson, and…
(Encyclopedia) Houston, Samuel, 1793–1863, American frontier hero and statesman of Texas, b. near Lexington, Va.
In 1836 Houston was elected the first president of the new Republic of Texas. The…
War of 1812 British interference with American trade, impressment of American seamen, and “War Hawks” drive for western expansion lead to war. American attacks on Canada foiled; U.S. Commodore…
Eight Chicago White Sox players who were banned from baseball for life in 1921 for allegedly throwing the 1919 World Series— RHP Eddie Cicotte (1884-1969), OF Happy Felsch (1891-1964), 1B Chick…