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Dracula's Descendant: Prince Kretzulesco

German Prince fears Neo-Nazi firestarters by David Johnson Claiming that Neo-Nazis keep setting fire to his crumbling castle home in Schenkendorf, south of Berlin, the last living member of…

Willie Person MANGUM, Congress, NC (1792-1861)

Senate Years of Service: 1831-1836; 1840-1853Party: Jacksonian; Anti-Jacksonian; WhigMANGUM, Willie Person, a Representative and a Senator from North Carolina; born in Orange (now Durham)…

Nature: Ask the Fact Monster Questions

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Ernst Jaffé Biography

hematologistDied: February 16, 2008 (Port Washington, New York) Best Known as: a doctor and groundbreaking hematologist Ernst Jaffé was a doctor and hematologist…


(Encyclopedia) bloodworm, name for the larva of the midge and for a red-blooded marine polychaete worm.


(Encyclopedia) Baal-zephonBaal-zephonbāˈəl-zēˈfŏn [key], in the Bible, place near the Israelites' crossing of the Red Sea.

DK Human Body: Circulation

ARE ARTERIES AND VEINS DIFFERENT? WHAT ARE CAPILLARIES? BLOODFIND OUT MOREThe heart, BLOOD, and blood vessels make up the circulatory system, which supplies the body with oxygen and nutrients,…


(Encyclopedia) stork, common name for members of a family of long-legged wading birds. The storks are related to the herons and ibises and are found in most of the warmer parts of the world. Storks…

Ibizan hound

(Encyclopedia) Ibizan houndIbizan houndēbēˈzŏn, ĭbˈə– [key], also called Ibizan Podenco, breed of tall, swift dog of ancient origin now found chiefly in the Balearic Islands and other areas of Spain…