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March 2008 Current Events

Here are the key news events of the month organized into three categories: World News, U.S. News, and Business, Society, and Science News. World | Nation | Business/…

Tommy G. Thompson

George W. Bush's secretary of Health and Human Services Born: 11/19/1941Birthplace: Elroy, Wis. Thompson was the governor of Wisconsin for an unprecedented 14 years. During his tenure, he was an…

Margaret Warner

TV news reporter A graduate of Yale University, Warner was a reporter for The Concord (New Hampshire) Monitor, The San Diego Union, and The Wall Street Journal. In 1983 she transferred to Newsweek…

Spencer Abraham

George W. Bush's secretary of Energy Born: 6/12/1952Birthplace: East Lansing, Mich. As a senator from Michigan, Abraham on three occasions proposed eliminating the department he is now slated…

steel industry

(Encyclopedia) steel industry, the business of processing iron ore into steel, which in its simplest form is an iron-carbon alloy, and in some cases, turning that metal into partially finished…

April 2005

WorldRuling Party Takes Elections in Zimbabwe (April 1): President Robert Mugabe's party, Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front (ZANU-PF), dominates parliamentary elections, taking 55 out…

1991 World History

Boris Yeltsin (1931–2007) Imapress/Archive Photos   1991 U.S. and Allies at war with Iraq (Jan. 15). Warsaw Pact dissolves military alliance (Feb. 25). Cease-fire ends Persian Gulf…

Biographies of the U.S. Presidents

  Joseph Robinette Biden Donald John Trump Barack Hussein Obama George Walker Bush William Jefferson Clinton George Herbert Walker Bush Ronald Wilson Reagan…


(Encyclopedia) impala, species of antelope, Aepyceros melampus, found in the savannah and bush country of E and S Africa. It is the antelope most commonly depicted in illustrations and in motion…