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May 2008 Current Events

Here are the key news events of the month organized into three categories: World News, U.S. News, and Business, Society, and Science News. World | Nation | Business/…

Hare, Sir David

(Encyclopedia) Hare, Sir David, 1947–, British playwright. Hare is a prominent member of the British theatrical left. A founder of the Portable Theatre and the Joint Stock, he became resident…

Roe v. Wade

(Encyclopedia) Roe v. Wade, case decided in 1973 by the U.S. Supreme Court. Along with Doe v. Bolton, this decision legalized abortion in the first…

Pacific Remote Islands Marine National Monument

(Encyclopedia) Pacific Remote Islands Marine National Monument, c.490,000 sq mi (1,260,000 sq km), central Pacific Ocean; est. 2009. The monument comprises the waters and reefs surrounding seven…

Presidential Portrait Gallery

The Presidential Gallery An illustrated guide to the presidents of the United States[ Go to the First Ladies Gallery or the Presidential Factfile! ] Barack Obama2009–Present George W…

Super PACs Explained

The evolution of the new political action committees that have altered the course of political campaigns Related Links How a President is Nominated and Elected…

The Supreme Court: Accepting Homosexuality

Accepting HomosexualityThe Supreme CourtSeparating Government PowersWho's in Control—the States or the Federal Government?Killing Gun ControlSupporting Family LeaveAccepting Homosexuality…

The Supreme Court: Using Marijuana

Using MarijuanaThe Supreme CourtControlling Our BodiesLimiting Abortion RightsDenying the Right to DieUsing MarijuanaForcing Drug Tests One way that states are trying to help patients deal…