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Displaying 391 - 400

Richard Joseph TONRY, Congress, NY (1893-1971)

TONRY, Richard Joseph, a Representative from New York; born in Brooklyn, N.Y., September 30, 1893; educated in the public schools, Randolph Military Academy, Montclair, N.J., and Pratt…

Amos Richard WEBBER, Congress, OH (1852-1948)

WEBBER, Amos Richard, a Representative from Ohio; born in Hinckley, Medina County, Ohio, January 21, 1852; attended the public schools of Hinckley and was graduated from Baldwin University,…

Richard Joseph WELCH, Congress, CA (1869-1949)

WELCH, Richard Joseph, a Representative from California; born in Monroe County, N.Y., February 13, 1869; educated in the public schools; moved to California in early boyhood and settled in San…

Richard Smith WHALEY, Congress, SC (1874-1951)

WHALEY, Richard Smith, a Representative from South Carolina; born in Charleston, S.C., July 15, 1874; attended the Episcopal High School, Alexandria, Va., and was graduated from the law…

Richard Alan (Rick) WHITE, Congress, WA (1953)

WHITE, Richard Alan (Rick), a Representative from Washington; born in Bloomington, Monroe County, Ind., November 6, 1953; B.A., Dartmouth College, 1975; attended University of Paris, Pantheon…

Richard Crawford WHITE, Congress, TX (1923-1998)

WHITE, Richard Crawford, a Representative from Texas; born in El Paso, Tex., April 29, 1923; graduated from Dudley Primary School, and the El Paso High School, and the Citizen’s Military…

Richard Henry STANTON, Congress, KY (1812-1891)

STANTON, Richard Henry, a Representative from Kentucky; born in Alexandria, Va., September 9, 1812; completed preparatory studies; attended Alexandria Academy; studied law; was admitted to the…

John Richard RARICK, Congress, LA (1924-2009)

RARICK, John Richard, a Representative from Louisiana; born in Waterford, Elkhart County, Ind., January 29, 1924; attended Goshen High School, Goshen, Ind., Ball State Teacher’s College,…