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Year in Review, 2008

News of the nation in 2008 from the financial crisis to the presidential election Ben Bernanke Related Links 2008 Year in Review 2008 News of the World 2008…

Movies and Film: It's Art, Stupid!

It's Art, Stupid!Movies and FilmFrench Film HistoryIt's Art, Stupid!A Century of Cinematic SplendorBefore the WarSurfing the "New Wave"The Eighties and NinetiesTen Fabulous French Films Perhaps…

Movies and Film: The Networks of Norway

The Networks of NorwayMovies and FilmScandinavian Film HistoryDanish DirectionsThe Networks of NorwaySwedish SweetnessIngmar Bergman and the Triumph of Scandinavian Cinema It is typical of Norway'…

Black Scientists and Inventors

Notable African-American Scientists and Inventors       Benjamin Banneker Browse more African-American biographies by category: A-Z List Government Officials Civil Rights…


(Encyclopedia) Williamsburg, historic city (1990 pop. 11,530), seat of James City co., SE Va., on a peninsula between the James and York rivers; settled 1632 as Middle Plantation, laid out and…

Stein, Karl, Freiherr vom und zum

(Encyclopedia) Stein, Karl, Freiherr vom und zumStein, Karl, Freiherr vom und zumkärl frīˈhĕr fəm &oobreve;nt ts&oobreve;m shtīn [key], 1757–1831, Prussian statesman and reformer. Rising…

Reagan, Ronald Wilson

(Encyclopedia) Reagan, Ronald WilsonReagan, Ronald Wilsonrāˈgən [key], 1911–2004, 40th president of the United States (1981–89), b. Tampico, Ill. In 1932, after graduation from Eureka College, he…

Entertainment Bios — L

Alan LaddDiane LaddKarl LagerfeldChristine LahtiRicki LakeVeronica LakeHedy LamarrDorothy Lamour Burt LancasterMartin LandauAnn LandersJohn LandisMichael LandonBurton LaneNathan LaneRonnie Lanek.d…

The Boston Marathon: Virtual Tour

A no-sweat guide to the world's most famous race by Mike Morrison Related Links Marathon GuideFor most of the country, the third Monday in April is nothing more than the start of another…