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Cambert, Robert

(Encyclopedia) Cambert, RobertCambert, Robertrōbĕrˈ käNbĕrˈ [key], c.1628–1677, French composer; pupil of Chambonnières. His Pastorale d'Issy (1659) and other works are among the first real French…

Campin, Robert

(Encyclopedia) Campin, RobertCampin, Robertkämˈpĭn [key], 1378–1444, Flemish painter who with the van Eycks ranks as a founder of the Netherlandish school. He has been identified as the Master of…

Capa, Robert

(Encyclopedia) Capa, RobertCapa, Robertkăpˈə [key], 1913–54, American war photographer, b. Hungary as Andre Friedmann. He came to Paris in 1933 and from that time on recorded with profound concern…

Cecil, Robert

(Encyclopedia) Cecil, Robert: see Salisbury, Robert Cecil, 1st earl of.

Carr, Robert

(Encyclopedia) Carr, Robert: see Somerset, Robert Carr, earl of.

Casadesus, Robert

(Encyclopedia) Casadesus, RobertCasadesus, Robertkäsädāsüsˈ [key], 1899–1972, French pianist and composer, b. Paris. Casadesus was born into a family remarkable for its numerous celebrated musicians…

Baldwin, Robert

(Encyclopedia) Baldwin, Robert, 1804–58, Canadian statesman, leader of the movement for representative government in Canada, b. York (now Toronto), Ont. His father, William Warren Baldwin (1775–1844…

Bakewell, Robert

(Encyclopedia) Bakewell, Robert, 1725–95, English livestock breeder and agriculturist. He successfully bred livestock for meat rather than appearance, developing new breeds, which included the…

Raikes, Robert

(Encyclopedia) Raikes, RobertRaikes, Robertrāks [key], 1735–1811, English philanthropist. In 1780 he organized a Sunday school, primarily for poor children, who were taught to read and to spell to…

Owen, Robert

(Encyclopedia) Owen, Robert, 1771–1858, British social reformer and socialist, pioneer in the cooperative movement. The son of a saddler, he had little formal education but was a zealous reader. At…