CHINDBLOM, Carl Richard, a Representative from Illinois; born in Chicago, Ill., December 21, 1870; attended the public schools; was graduated from Augustana College, Rock Island, Ill., in 1890…
(Encyclopedia) Northbrook, village (1990 pop. 32,308), Cook co., NE Ill., a suburb of Chicago; settled 1836. It was incorporated as Shermerville in 1901 and was reincorporated as Northbrook in 1923.…
All Parts, Big and SmallAnatomy and PhysiologyThe Structure of the Muscles and Muscle CellsAll Parts, Big and SmallThe Neuromuscular JunctionYou've Fallen into My Treppe!Sliding Home with…
MURRAY, James Cunningham, a Representative from Illinois; born in Chicago, Ill., May 16, 1917; graduated from Quigley Preparatory Seminary, Chicago, Ill.; graduated from De Paul University,…
First Olympic Appearance: 1900 by Beth Rowen Related Links Olympics Overview 2012 Encyclopedia: Archery Did You Know?As legend has it, Robin Hood once won an archery contest by…
Tracing the origin of your family name, you may be able to find out not only who your ancestors were but also what they were. In 12th-century England, when family names began to be used, people…
by David Johnson The term "Chinese food" can be misleading because there are many Chinese styles of cooking. Scholars believe that Chinese cooking as we know it today dates to the Shang…
WHY WERE THE FIRST POTS SO IMPORTANT? FIND OUT MOREPottery-making was invented in Japanese fishing communities, in c. 10,500 BC. When they cooked, people noticed that the clay soil underneath…
(Encyclopedia) K, 11th letter of the alphabet. It is a usual symbol for a voiceless velar stop, as in the English cook. It corresponds to Greek kappa. In chemistry K is the symbol for the element…