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Selected Biographies: R

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Order of Presidential Succession

According to the Presidential Succession Act of 1792, the Senate president pro tempore1 was next in line after the vice president to succeed to the…

Things Kids Can Do: Write a Novel

By Sally Greene In this FactMonster feature “Things Kids Can Do,” we highlight some amazing kids’ accomplishments from around the world. In this article, we take a look at a young man by the name of…

Entertainment Bios — K

Pauline KaelMadeline KahnLawrence KasdanPatrick KavanaghDanny KayeElia KazanBuster KeatonDiane KeatonMichael KeatonCatherine KeenerBob KeeshanHarvey KeitelBrian KeithSally KellermanDavid E.…

Entertainment Bios — R

Francisco RabalDorothy RabinowitzRadioheadGilda RadnerBen RaeburnRage Against the MachineSam M. RaimiMa RaineyClaude RainsBonnie RaittHarold RamisJoey RamoneMichael RapaportBasil RathboneDan…

Women's History Month

A celebration of women's many accomplishments The women of the U.S. Supreme Court Source: AP Photo/Pablo Martinez MonsivaisWomen's History Month Nobel Winning Scientists Nobel Peace Prize…

Entertainment Bios — F

FabioNanette FabrayDouglas Fairbanks, Jr.FalcoPeter FalkChris FarleyElizabeth FarnsworthRichard FarnsworthPerry FarrellMia FarrowRalph FasanellaFastballFarrah FawcettFelaMarty FeldmanFederico…

Algebra: Get Your Operations in Order

Get Your Operations in Order Algebra Encountering Expressions Introducing Variables Translating Words into Math Behold the Power of Exponents Living Large with Scientific Notation Dastardly…