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Pritzker Architecture Prize Recipients (table)

(Encyclopedia) Pritzker Architecture Prize Recipients Year Recipient(s) Nation 1979 Philip Johnson United States 1980 Luis Barragán Mexico 1981 James Stirling Great Britain 1982 Kevin Roche…

Dinosaur Fossils (By U.S. State!)

Most people are familiar with their state’s official flower and flag, but did you know that almost every state has an official fossil as well? These state symbols are a representation of a territory…


(Encyclopedia) CE5 JapanJapanjəpănˈ [key], Jap. Nihon or Nippon, country (2015 est. pop. 127,975,000), 145,833 sq mi (377,835 sq km), occupying an archipelago off the coast of E Asia. The capital…