(Encyclopedia) coronagraphcoronagraphkərōˈnəgrăfˌ [key], device invented by the French astronomer B. Lyot (1931) for the purpose of observing the corona of the sun and solar prominences occurring in…
(Encyclopedia) petrology, branch of geology specifically concerned with the origin, composition, structure, and properties of rocks, primarily igneous and metamorphic, and secondarily sedimentary. It…
(Encyclopedia) Rosse, William Parsons, 3d earl ofRosse, William Parsons, 3d earl ofrôs [key], 1800–1867, British astronomer and constructor of telescopes. He served as member of Parliament for King's…
singerBorn: 12/4/1955Birthplace: Jackson, Mississippi With such albums as Songbook (1985), Blue Skies (1988), and Blue Light Til Dawn (1993), many critics call her the finest jazz vocalist of her…
Shinto, the Chinese term for the Japanese Kami no Michi (Way of the Gods), is made up of the religious ideas and cults indigenous to Japan. Kami, or gods, considered divine forces of nature that…
HOFFMAN, Michael, a Representative from New York; born in Half Moon, Saratoga County, N.Y., October 11, 1787; completed academic studies; studied medicine and law; was admitted to the bar and…
From planet to pet names, hurricane to Spanish place names Personal Names Most Popular First Names In 1900, John and Mary topped the list; a hundred years later it was Jacob and…
Forecasting by CloudsWeatherPartly to Mostly CloudyMoisture and HumidityIn the CloudsTen Major Cloud TypesForecasting by Clouds Weather Words "It sits lookingover the harbor and cityon silent…
(Encyclopedia) planetarium, optical device used to project a representation of the heavens onto a domed ceiling; the term also designates the building that houses such a device. A modern planetarium…