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(Encyclopedia) OsirisOsirisōsīˈrĭs [key], in Egyptian religion, legendary ruler of predynastic Egypt and god of the underworld. He was the son of the sky goddess Nut and the earth god Geb. The great…

planetary science

(Encyclopedia) planetary science or planetology, study of planets and planetary systems as a whole. Planetary science applies the theories and methods of traditional disciplines such as astronomy,…

United Nations Secretaries-General (table)

(Encyclopedia) United Nations Secretaries-General Secretary-General Nationality Dates in Office Trygve Halvdan Lie Norwegian 1946–53 Dag Hammarskjöld Swedish 1953–61 U Thant Burmese 1962–71…

2007 Notable Books for Children

These books were chosen by a committee of librarians, educators, and other professionals for the Association for Library Service to Children. Younger Readers…

Chinese New Year

  Chinese New Year celebration, Brazil, 2016 Source: AP Photo/Andre Penner Related Links Chinese New Year Quiz Chinese Zodiac China | Map The Chinese Calendar Chinese…

Hoaxes - Media

Media Myths by Beth Rowen War of the WorldsKnown for his flair for the dramatic, Orson Welles, with members of his Mercury Theatre Company, incited mass hysteria and earned themselves…

New Planets and a Larger Solar System

More planets? by Chris Frantz A view of the new solar system, thanks to The International Astronomical Union/Martin Kornmesser Related Links Basic Planetary DataThe Solar SystemThe Flap…

DK Space: Mercury

WHAT IS THE TEMPERATURE ON MERCURY? WHAT IS MERCURY’S SURFACE LIKE? FIND OUT MOREA rocky sphere, with a huge iron core, Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun. It can sometimes be glimpsed from…

2000 Olympics: Wrestling

Freestyle 119 lbs (54 kg): 1. Namig Abdullayev, AZE def. 2. Samuel Henson, USA (4-3); 3. Amiran Karntanov, GRE def. German Kontoev, BLR (5-4). 128 lbs (58 kg): 1. Alireza Dabir, IRN def. 2. Yevgen…