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James Stephen GOLDEN, Congress, KY (1891-1971)

GOLDEN, James Stephen, a Representative from Kentucky; born in Barbourville, Knox County, Ky., September 20, 1891; attended the grade schools in Barbourville and high school at Union College,…

James Stephen GREEN, Congress, MO (1817-1870)

Senate Years of Service: 1857-1861Party: DemocratGREEN, James Stephen, a Representative and a Senator from Missouri; born near Rectortown, Fauquier County, Va., February 28, 1817; attended the…

Stephen Banks LEONARD, Congress, NY (1793-1876)

LEONARD, Stephen Banks, a Representative from New York; born in New York City April 15, 1793; attended the public schools; moved with his parents to Owego, N.Y., and learned the printer’s…

William Stephen MORGAN, Congress, VA (1801-1878)

MORGAN, William Stephen, a Representative from Virginia; born in Monongalia County, Va. (now West Virginia), September 7, 1801; attended the public schools; engaged in agricultural pursuits at…

Stephen Decatur MILLER, Congress, SC (1787-1838)

Senate Years of Service: 1831-1833Party: NullifierMILLER, Stephen Decatur, a Representative and a Senator from South Carolina; born in Waxhaw settlement, Lancaster District, S.C., May 8, 1787…

Stephen Mix MITCHELL, Congress, CT (1743-1835)

Senate Years of Service: 1793-1795Party: Pro-AdministrationMITCHELL, Stephen Mix, a Delegate and a Senator from Connecticut; born in Wethersfield, Hartford County, Conn., December 9, 1743;…