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Theodore Gilmore BILBO, Congress, MS (1877-1947)

Senate Years of Service: 1935-1947Party: DemocratBILBO, Theodore Gilmore, a Senator from Mississippi; born on a farm near Poplarville, Pearl River County, Miss., October 13, 1877; attended the…

Hill, James Jerome

(Encyclopedia) Hill, James Jerome, 1838–1916, American railroad builder, b. Ontario, Canada. He went to St. Paul, Minn., in 1856. He became a partner of Norman Kittson in a steamboat line and, with…

House of Representatives, 112th Congress

Below is the composition of the 112th Congress' House of Representatives, following the 2010 midterm elections. In the following lists, the numeral indicates the congressional district represented…

What Is Boxing Day?

Traditional English holiday extends Christmas giving by David Johnson Related Links Boxing Day Quiz Winter Holiday Roundup Bank Holidays Church of England…

James George ABOUREZK, Congress, SD (1931)

Senate Years of Service: 1973-1979Party: DemocratABOUREZK, James George, a Representative and a Senator from South Dakota; born in Wood, Mellette County, S.Dak., February 24, 1931; attended…

Calvin COOLIDGE, Congress, (1872-1933)

COOLIDGE, Calvin, a Vice President and 30th President of the United States; born John Calvin Coolidge in Plymouth, Windsor County, Vt., July 4, 1872, but dropped John from his name upon…

Best Director Nominees

Below are the nominees in the directing category. This is the second directing nomination for Alejandro G. Iñárritu. He was previously nominated for the 2006 film Babel. This is…