Born: 1933Birthplace: Baltimore, Md. Implantable defibrillator—Heilman, Langer, Mower, and Mirowski: This team of doctors developed the implantable defibrillator, an internal electronic device that…
Judy Garland
See also
Notable Women Musicians and Dancers Notable African-American Musicians Notable African-American Visual and Performing Artists Asian American Artists and Musicians…
In a report released in June 2001, the National Trust for Historic Preservation listed 11 historic sites across America that are in danger of being lost forever. Some of the sites are…
(Stephen Victor Tallarico)musicianBorn: 3/26/1948Birthplace: New York, New York Tyler is the lead singer of the rock group Aerosmith , which he helped form in 1970. The group moved to Boston,…
(Stephen William Bragg)singer, songwriterBorn: 12/20/1957Birthplace: Barking, Essex, England Also known as the “Bard of Barking,” this British musician is known for his politically motivated music…
Born: 1945Birthplace: Pittsburgh, Pa. Implantable defibrillator—Heilman, Langer, Mower, and Mirowski: This team of doctors developed the implantable defibrillator, an internal electronic device…
(Encyclopedia) Joyce, James, 1882–1941, Irish novelist. Perhaps the most influential and significant novelist of the 20th cent., Joyce was a master of the English language, exploiting all of its…
Accepting HomosexualityThe Supreme CourtSeparating Government PowersWho's in Control—the States or the Federal Government?Killing Gun ControlSupporting Family LeaveAccepting Homosexuality…
Getting Searched on a BusThe Supreme CourtCollecting EvidenceSearching Your Car When You're Stopped for SpeedingUsing the Right Not to KnockFinding Marijuana with Thermal-Imaging…
Searching Your Car When You're Stopped for SpeedingThe Supreme CourtCollecting EvidenceSearching Your Car When You're Stopped for SpeedingUsing the Right Not to KnockFinding Marijuana with…