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Holidays in America

The major federal, religious, traditional, and informal holidays celebrated in the United States Choose a Holiday: New Year's DayEpiphanyMartin Luther King's BirthdayMawild al-NabiGroundhog…

Notable Actors

Isabella Rossellini See also Filmmakers and Directors African-American Actors Asian American Film & Television Personalities Hispanic-American Film, Television, and Theater…


(Encyclopedia) novel, in modern literary usage, a sustained work of prose fiction a volume or more in length. It is distinguished from the short story and the fictional sketch, which are necessarily…

Rome, city, Italy

(Encyclopedia) CE5 Roman Empire (a.d. 117) CE5 Rome, Ital. Roma, city (1991 pop. 2,775,250), capital of Italy and see of the pope, whose residence, Vatican City, is a sovereign state within the…

space exploration

(Encyclopedia) CE5 Moon mission assembly CE5 Stages in a moon mission shown counterclockwise from launching on the first day to splashdown on the ninth day. space exploration, the…


(Encyclopedia) science [Lat. scientia=knowledge]. For many the term science refers to the organized body of knowledge concerning the physical world, both animate and inanimate, but a proper…