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Movers and Shakers

Susan Boudinot is remembered as one of the youngest protesters in colonial America. When she was 9, she and her family were visiting the royal governor of New Jersey. She was offered a cup of tea…

Ella Tambussi GRASSO, Congress, CT (1919-1981)

GRASSO, Ella Tambussi, a Representative from Connecticut; born Ella Rose Tambussi in Windsor Locks, Hartford County, Conn., May 10, 1919; attended the St. Mary’s School in Windsor Locks, and…

Top 10 Selling Musical Artists, 2010

In 2010, Taylor Swift topped the charts in America with her albums sales. The following table lists the rank, artist, and U.S. sales data for the top ten selling musical artists of 2010…

Clyde Roark HOEY, Congress, NC (1877-1954)

Senate Years of Service: 1945-1954Party: DemocratHOEY, Clyde Roark, a Representative and a Senator from North Carolina; born in Shelby, Cleveland County, N.C., on December 11, 1877; attended…

The Endurance

The Endurance Shackleton's expedition trapped by an iceberg in the South Atlantic by Susan Hyde On December 5, 1914, Ernest Henry Shackleton, an Irish explorer, and 27 men set sail on…

The War of 1812

1812-15U.S. troops engaged: 286,730American battle deaths: 2,260The U.S. declared war on Great Britain during its war with France.America passed a series of laws that closed its ports to British…

Arthur Robinson GOULD, Congress, ME (1857-1946)

Senate Years of Service: 1926-1931Party: RepublicanGOULD, Arthur Robinson, a Senator from Maine; born in East Corinth, Penobscot County, Maine, March 16, 1857; attended the common schools and…

Jacob Beeson BLAIR, Congress, WV (1821-1901)

BLAIR, Jacob Beeson, a Representative from Virginia and from West Virginia; born in Parkersburg, Wood County, Va. (now W.Va.), April 11, 1821; studied law; was admitted to the bar in 1844;…

Esher, Reginald Baliol Brett, 2d Viscount

(Encyclopedia) Esher, Reginald Baliol Brett, 2d ViscountEsher, Reginald Baliol Brett, 2d Viscountbālˈyəl, ēˈshər [key], 1852–1930, English historian and government official. After sitting in…

Jackson, Mahalia

(Encyclopedia) Jackson, MahaliaJackson, Mahaliaməhălˈyə [key], 1911–72, American gospel singer, b. New Orleans. She sang in church choirs during her childhood. Moving (1927) to Chicago, she worked at…