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Demetrius, in the Bible

(Encyclopedia) Demetrius, in the New Testament. 1 Silversmith of Ephesus who stirred up a riot against Paul. 2 Disciple commended in Third John.

Dodo, in the Bible

(Encyclopedia) DodoDododōˈdō [key], in the Bible, father of the mighty man Eleazar. An alternate form is Dodai.

Dome of the Rock

(Encyclopedia) Dome of the Rock: see Islamic art and architecture.

Dothan, in the Bible

(Encyclopedia) DothanDothandōˈthăn [key] or DothaimDothandōthāˈĭm [key], city, central ancient Palestine, in the uplands NE of Samaria. In the Bible, it was in the vicinity of Dothan that Joseph was…

Dunes, Battle of the

(Encyclopedia) Dunes, Battle of the, 1658, decisive engagement fought near Dunkirk in the struggle between France and Spain that had resulted from Spanish intervention in the Fronde. The Spanish…

Confederation of the Rhine

(Encyclopedia) Confederation of the Rhine, league of German states formed by Emperor Napoleon I in 1806 after his defeat of the Austrians at Austerlitz. Among its members were the newly created…

Congo, Republic of the

(Encyclopedia) CE5 Congo, Republic of the, republic (2015 est. pop. 4,996,000), 132,046 sq mi (342,000 sq km), W central Africa; also known as the Congo Republic. Congo is bordered on the west by…