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Henry the Proud

(Encyclopedia) Henry the Proud, c.1108–1139, duke of Bavaria (1126–38) and of Saxony (1137–38). A member of the Guelph family, he inherited the duchy of Bavaria and enormous private wealth. By his…

Havelok the Dane

(Encyclopedia) Havelok the Dane, English 13th-century metrical romance. It concerns a prince brought up as a scullion, who, after discovering his true identity, wins the kingdoms of Denmark and…

Hereward the Wake

(Encyclopedia) Hereward the WakeHereward the Wakehĕrˈĭwərd [key], fl. 1070, Anglo-Saxon rebel against William I. A thane, he apparently held land in Lincolnshire. In 1070 he sacked Peterborough with…

Frederick the Fair

(Encyclopedia) Frederick the Fair, c.1286–1330, German antiking (1314–26), duke of Austria, son of Albert I, German king. On the death of Henry VII, Holy Roman emperor and German king, the split…

Frederick the Wise

(Encyclopedia) Frederick the Wise: see Frederick III, elector of Saxony.