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Gregory the Illuminator, Saint

(Encyclopedia) Gregory the Illuminator, Saint, d. c.330, churchman, called the Apostle of Armenia. He was the first metropolitan of Armenia and is revered as founder of the Armenian Church. Feast:…

Goshen, in the Bible

(Encyclopedia) GoshenGoshengōˈshən [key], in the Bible. 1 Fertile region of Egypt occupied by the Israelites. 2 Region, S ancient Palestine, conquered by Joshua. 3 Town of Judah.

God Save the King

(Encyclopedia) God Save the King (or Queen), the English national anthem. The words and music are both of doubtful origin. The air, possibly derived from a folk tune, has been attributed to Henry…

Anan, in the Bible

(Encyclopedia) AnanAnanāˈnən [key], in the Bible, sealer of the covenant.

Geber, in the Bible

(Encyclopedia) GeberGebergēˈbər [key], in the Bible. 1 Father of a steward of Solomon. 2 Officer of Solomon.

Americas, University of the

(Encyclopedia) Americas, University of the, at Cholula, Puebla, Mexico; founded 1940 as Mexico City College. The school achieved university status in 1963. It has faculties of administration, basic…

Ammon, in the Bible

(Encyclopedia) AmmonAmmonămˈən [key], in the Bible, people living E of the Dead Sea. Their capital was Rabbath-Ammon, the present-day Amman (Jordan). Their god was Milcom, to whom Solomon built an…