publisher, philanthropistBorn: 1644Birthplace: London Having begun his career in 1668 as a bookseller, he made a huge fortune printing Bibles. He is best remembered for his philanthropic support of…
(Gaetano Albert Lombardo)band leader, impressario, speed boat racerBorn: 6/19/1902Birthplace: London, Ontario, Canada Popular band leader who added the phrase “the sweetest music this side of…
Born: Sept. 20, 1951Hockey RW led NHL in scoring 3 times (1976-78); 2-time MVP (1977-78), played for 5 Stanley Cup winners in Montreal; playoff MVP in 1977; returned to NHL as player in 1988 after…
(Encyclopedia) Coke, Sir EdwardCoke, Sir Edwardk&oobreve;k [key], 1552–1634, English jurist, one of the most eminent in the history of English law. He entered Parliament in 1589 and rose rapidly…
(Encyclopedia) Coke, Thomas WilliamCoke, Thomas Williamk&oobreve;k [key], 1752–1842, English agricultural reformer. Created earl of Leicester of Holkham in 1837, he was known as Coke of Holkham.…
Senate Years of Service: 1877-1895Party: DemocratCOKE, Richard, (nephew of Richard Coke, Jr.), a Senator from Texas; born in Williamsburg, James City County, Va., March 13, 1829; attended the…
(Encyclopedia) Beatles, The, English rock music group formed in the late 1950s and disbanded in 1970. The members were John (Winston) Lennon, 1940–80, guitar and harmonica; (James) Paul McCartney,…
Guy Fawkes DayThe anniversary of the famous Gunpowder Plot
Remember remember the fifth of November
Gunpowder, treason and plot.
I see no reason why gunpowder, treason
Should ever be…
A variety of interesting subjects—kids interviewing professional experts about their unique jobs!
Teachers, parents and librarians: These videos of kids interviewing…