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Armagnacs and Burgundians

(Encyclopedia) Armagnacs and Burgundians, opposing factions that fought to control France in the early 15th cent. The rivalry for power between Louis d'Orléans, brother of the recurrently insane King…

Guelphs and Ghibellines

(Encyclopedia) Guelphs and GhibellinesGuelphs and Ghibellinesgwĕlfs, gĭbˈəlēnz, –lĭnz [key], opposing political factions in Germany and in Italy during the later Middle Ages. The names were used to…

Barlaam and Josaphat

(Encyclopedia) Barlaam and JosaphatBarlaam and Josaphatbärˈläəm, jōˈsəfăt [key], legend popular in medieval times. It corresponds in part to the legend of Buddha. Versions of the story have been…

parent and child

(Encyclopedia) parent and child, legal relationship, created by biological (birth) relationship or by adoption, that confers certain rights and duties on parent and child; in some states the courts…

colleges and universities

(Encyclopedia) colleges and universities, institutions of higher education. Universities differ from colleges in that they are larger, have wider curricula, are involved in research activities, and…

strategy and tactics

(Encyclopedia) strategy and tactics, in warfare, related terms referring, respectively, to large-scale and small-scale planning to achieve military success. Strategy may be defined as the general…

Blues and Greens

(Encyclopedia) Blues and Greens, political factions in the Byzantine Empire in the 6th cent. They took their names from two of the four colors worn by the circus charioteers. Their clashes were…

stalactite and stalagmite

(Encyclopedia) stalactitestalactitestəlăkˈtīt [key] and stalagmitestalagmitestəlăgˈmīt [key], mineral forms often found in caves; sometimes collectively called dripstone. A stalactite is an icicle-…

guardian and ward

(Encyclopedia) guardian and ward, in law. A guardian is someone who by appointment or by relationship has the care of a person or that person's property, or both. The protected individual, known as…

guidance and counseling

(Encyclopedia) guidance and counseling, concept that institutions, especially schools, should promote the efficient and happy lives of individuals by helping them adjust to social realities. The…