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Displaying 451 - 460

Morecambe and Heysham

(Encyclopedia) Morecambe and HeyshamMorecambe and Heyshammôrˈkəm, hēˈshəm, hēˈsəm [key], town (1991 pop. 41,432), Lancashire, NW England, on Morecambe Bay. Morecambe, a seaside resort, and Heysham, a…

Albert the Bear

(Encyclopedia) Albert the Bear, c.1100–1170, first margrave of Brandenburg (1150–70). He was a loyal vassal of Holy Roman Emperor Lothair II, who, as duke of Saxony, helped him take (1123) Lower…

Bonanno, Joe

(Encyclopedia) Bonanno, Joe (Joseph Bonanno), 1905–2002, American crime boss nicknamed “Joe Bananas,” b. Castellammare del Golfo, Sicily. He came to the United States illegally in 1924, settled in…


(Encyclopedia) food: see diet; frozen foods; nutrition; vitamin.

Damon and Pythias

(Encyclopedia) Damon and PythiasDamon and Pythiasdāˈmən, pĭthˈēəs [key], two youths whose loyalty to each other symbolizes true friendship. Pythias, a Pythagorean, condemned to death for plotting…

DK Science: Disease

HEART DISEASE INFECTIOUS DISEASES CANCER FIND OUT MORE When a person has a disease, a part of that person’s body fails to function properly. Diseases produce different patterns of symptoms:…


(Encyclopedia) will-o'-the-wisp, phenomenon known also as ignis fatuus and jack-o'-lantern. It is seen at night as a pale, flickering light over marshland. There is no generally accepted explanation…

Armani, Giorgio

(Encyclopedia) Armani, Giorgio, 1934–, Italian fashion designer. He designed menswear at Nino Cerruti (1964–70), then worked freelance until 1975 when, in partnership with Sergio Galeotti, he opened…

Andrew II

(Encyclopedia) Andrew II, d. 1235, king of Hungary (1205–35), son of Bela III. He continued his predecessors' policy of transferring crown lands to the magnates, and the lesser nobles forced him to…

Ogier the Dane

(Encyclopedia) Ogier the DaneOgier the Daneōˈjēər, ōzhyāˈ [key], in the chansons de geste, a paladin of Charlemagne. Although his military feats save emperor and kingdom, he is for a time at odds…