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Displaying 421 - 430

McClure, Samuel Sidney

(Encyclopedia) McClure, Samuel Sidney, 1857–1949, American editor and publisher, b. Co. Antrim, Ireland. He emigrated to America as a boy. In 1884 he established the McClure Syndicate, the first…

White, Edmund

(Encyclopedia) White, Edmund (Edmund Valentine White 3d), 1940–, American writer, b. Cincinnati, B.A. Univ. of Michigan, 1962. White is one of the best known—and probably the finest stylist—of the…

Lewis, Andrew

(Encyclopedia) Lewis, Andrew, 1720?–1781, American soldier, b. Ireland. As a boy he emigrated with his family to America and settled near Staunton, Va. Later, he became a leading frontier Indian…

Renault, Mary

(Encyclopedia) Renault, Mary, pseud. of Mary Challens, 1905–83, English novelist, b. London. After receiving her nursing degree in 1936, she emigrated to South Africa. She was best-known for her…


(Encyclopedia) MenashaMenashamənăshˈə [key], city (1990 pop. 14,711), Winnebago co., E Wis., on Lake Winnebago and the Fox River, adjacent to its twin city of Neenah; settled 1840s, inc. 1874.…


Native American Nations and Groups AbenakiAkimel O'Odham (Pima)Alabama-CoushattaAleutApacheArapahoArikaraArkansas (Quapaw)AssiniboinBlackfootCaddoCanarseeCatawba Cayuga. See Iroquois…

Everdingen, Allart van

(Encyclopedia) Everdingen, Allart vanEverdingen, Allart vanälˈärt vän āˈfərdĭngən [key], 1621–75, Dutch painter and etcher. Although he worked primarily in Haarlem and Amsterdam, the scenery of…

Nicolet, Jean

(Encyclopedia) Nicolet, JeanNicolet, JeanzhäN nēkôlāˈ [key], 1598?–1642, French explorer in the Old Northwest. He came to New France with Samuel de Champlain in 1618. In 1634, under the direction of…


(Encyclopedia) WaukeshaWaukeshawôˈkĭshô [key], city (1990 pop. 56,958), seat of Waukesha co., SE Wis., on the Fox River; inc. 1896. It is an industrial center in a dairy area. Waukesha was a stop on…

De Pere

(Encyclopedia) De Pere De Pere dĭ pēr [key], city (2020 pop. 25,410), Brown co., E central Wis., on the Fox…