(Encyclopedia) Ozarks, the, or Ozark Plateau, upland region, actually a dissected plateau, c.50,000 sq mi (129,500 sq km), chiefly in S Mo. and N Ark., but partly in Oklahoma and Kansas, between the…
(Encyclopedia) Pearl, The, one of four Middle English alliterative poems, all contained in a manuscript of c.1400, composed in the West Midland dialect, almost certainly by the same anonymous author…
(Encyclopedia) Owl and the Nightingale, The, Middle English poem written probably by Nicholas de Guildford of Dorsetshire about the beginning of the 13th cent. Written in 2,000 lines of octosyllabic…
Senate Years of Service: 1937-1944; 1947-1953Party: Republican; RepublicanLODGE, Henry Cabot, Jr., (great-great-great grandson of George Cabot, great-great grandson of John Davis of…
(Encyclopedia) Manco CapacManco Capacmängˈkō käpäkˈ [key], legendary founder of the Inca dynasty of Peru. According to the most frequently told story, four brothers, Manco Capac, Ayar Anca, Ayar…
A brain child is an original idea. Here are some kids who had great ideas which they turned into inventions. We call these kids “brain children.” Two inspirational books for girl inventors are…
(Encyclopedia) Mary, in the Bible, mother of Jesus. Christian tradition reckons her the principal saint, naming her variously the Blessed Virgin Mary, Our Lady, and Mother of God (Gr., theotokos).…
(Encyclopedia) Grimm, JakobGrimm, Jakobyäˈkôp grĭm [key], 1785–1863, German philologist and folklorist, a founder of comparative philology. His interest in the relationship among Germanic languages…