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(Encyclopedia) over-the-counter, method of buying and selling securities outside the organized stock exchange. Unlike an organized stock exchange, the over-the-counter market is composed of dealers…

Paul the Deacon

(Encyclopedia) Paul the Deacon, c.725–799?, Lombard historian. He received a good education, probably at Pavia, and he learned Latin thoroughly and some Greek. He lived at Monte Cassino and at…

Louis the Child

(Encyclopedia) Louis the Child, 893–911, German king (900–911), son and successor of King Arnulf. He was the last of the German line of the Carolingians. The archbishop of Mainz was regent for him.…

Louis the Great

(Encyclopedia) Louis the Great: see Louis I, king of Hungary.

Louis the Pious

(Encyclopedia) Louis the Pious: see Louis I, emperor of the West.

Pliny the Elder

(Encyclopedia) Pliny the Elder (Caius Plinius Secundus)Pliny the Elderplĭˈnē [key], c.a.d. 23–a.d. 79, Roman naturalist, b. Cisalpine Gaul. He was a friend and fellow military officer of Vespasian,…