A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z More Biographies Don't see the biography you're looking for? Search 30,000+ biographies Biographies…
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z More Biographies Don't see the biography you're looking for? Search 30,000+ biographies Biographies…
Here are some movies to watch with mom on Mother's Day. by Jennie Wood Sandra Bullock won an Oscar for her role in The Blind Side Related Links Showbiz Moms…
Who are the world's leading public intellectuals? The October 2005 cover of Prospect Foreign Policy and Britain's Prospect magazine selected their top 100, and invited readers to vote…
(Encyclopedia) mountain climbing, the practice of climbing to elevated points for sport, pleasure, or research. Also called mountaineering, it is practiced throughout the world.
Many mountain…
Spike Lee
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Actors African-American Actors Asian American Film & Television Personalities Hispanic-American Film, Television, and Theater Personalities Women Stage and Screen…
Notable Filmmakers and Directors
Spike Lee
See also
Actors African-American Actors Asian American Film & Television Personalities Hispanic-American Film, Television, and Theater…
Americans look back on September 11 and how it has affected them. By Jennie Wood The 9/11 World Trade Center attacks Photo:TheMachineStops/upstateNYer Related…
Record of the Year“Sailing,” Christopher CrossAlbum of the YearChristopher Cross, Christopher Cross (Warner Bros.)Song of the Year“Sailing,” Christopher Cross, songwriterBest New ArtistChristopher…
Must a Jury Decide the Death Penalty?The Supreme CourtPunishing the CriminalsIs the Death Penalty Cruel and Unusual Punishment?Must a Jury Decide the Death Penalty?Are Penalties Required in “…