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(Encyclopedia) pear, name for a fruit tree of the genus Pyrus of the family Rosaceae (rose family) and for its fruit, a pome. The common pear (P. communis) is one of the earliest cultivated of fruit…

Origin of Athlete Nicknames

Do you have a nickname? How did you get it? Many athletes' nicknames have nothing to do with their sports. Nicolai “Old One Leg” Andrianov…

Members of the U.S. Senate, 117th Congress

The members of the U.S. Senate in the 117th Congress are listed below. Dates in the left column indicate term in office; birth years are given in parentheses after party affiliation. All terms are…

First Kids Slideshow

by Mark Hughes The American public has always been fascinated by first families. We know much about the lives of the presidents and first ladies, but what about the children in the White…

John Charles FRÉMONT, Congress, CA (1813-1890)

Senate Years of Service: 1850-1851Party: Democrat     Democrat FRÉMONT, John Charles, (son-in-law of Thomas Hart Benton), a Senator from California; born in Savannah, Ga., January 21, 1813;…

GDP and the Players Three: Introduction

IntroductionGDP and the Players ThreeIntroductionAll Together Now: C + I + GGDP Is “The Economy”Consumers: Buyers, Buyers EverywhereInvestment: Business Buys as Well as SellsGovernment: He's Your…

Indianapolis 500

When a driver travelling at 240 mph blinks, he/she will miss 50 feet of track.Innovations have gone hand-in-hand with speed at the Indy 500: in 1977, Tom Sneva was the first driver to brake the…