Chiefs of State and Cabinet Members of Foreign GovernmentsDate of Information: 9/26/2022[source]
Pres. Omar Hassan Ahmad al-Bashir, Field Mar. Prime Min. (acting) Osman Hussein Min. of…
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by Beth Rowen Toy Story (1995) Ok, so the Mouse House only released the films, but Michael Eisner and Co. were savvy enough…
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United States > United States Government > Elections Below lists the members of the Senate in the United States' 113th Congress following the November 2012 elections. Dates…
United States > United States Government > Elections Below lists the members of the Senate in the United States' 112th Congress following the November 2010 midterm…
Albert Einstein (1879–1955)AIP Niels Bohr LibraryVladimir Lenin (1870–1924)Novosti PhotosWoodrow Wilson(1856–1924)The Library of Congress Picture Collection1910Boy Scouts of America incorporated.…