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Epidemics of the Past: Bubonic Plague

Bubonic PlagueEpidemics of the PastSmallpox: 12,000 Years of TerrorBubonic PlagueInfluenza: A Twentieth-Century Epidemic Ring around the rosy, A pocket full of posies, Ashes … ashes, We all…

polymerase chain reaction

(Encyclopedia) polymerase chain reactionpolymerase chain reactionpŏlˈĭmərāsˌ [key] (PCR), laboratory process in which a particular DNA segment from a mixture of DNA chains is rapidly replicated,…


(Encyclopedia) recombination, process of “shuffling” of genes by which new combinations can be generated. In recombination through sexual reproduction, the offspring's complete set of genes differs…

Milestone Cases in Supreme Court History

Read about landmark cases that have changed history, from Marbury v. Madison to the challenge to Obamacare. 1803Marbury v. Madison was the first instance in which a law passed by Congress was…

Oscars Awarded Posthumously

The Question: Who was the first actor to receive an Oscar posthumously? The Answer: The only actor to win an Oscar posthumously was Peter Finch, who…

Johnny Podres Biography

baseball pitcherDied: January 13, 2008 (Queensbury, New York) Best Known as: former pitcher for the Dodgers A pitcher for the Dodgers who led the team to their…

Orrin Dubbs BLEAKLEY, Congress, PA (1854-1927)

BLEAKLEY, Orrin Dubbs, a Representative from Pennsylvania; born in Franklin, Venango County, Pa., May 15, 1854; attended the common schools, the local academy of his native city, and the…

Veeck, Bill

(Encyclopedia) Veeck, Bill (William Louis Veeck, Jr.), 1914–86, American baseball executive, b. Chicago. The son of an owner of the Chicago Cubs, Veeck began his executive career with the Milwaukee…

Bewick, Thomas

(Encyclopedia) Bewick, ThomasBewick, Thomasby&oomacr;ˈĭk [key], 1753–1828, English wood engraver. Bewick pioneered in the revival of original wood engraving. Among his famous early works are his…