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Baseball's 15th Perfect Game

Baseball's 15th Perfect Game   Wasn't this supposed to be the year of the home run? Then how is it that Major League Baseball has seen a 20-strikeout game and a perfect game pitched in…

NFL Football Preview - NFC West

NFC West Could somebody tell this division that the '80s are over? Jerry Rice? Steve DeBerg? Dick Vermeil? Mike Ditka? The San Francisco 49ers dominated that decade and will do more of the same…

Saint Brendan

  Saint Brendan   Patron of boatmen, sailors, travelers, and whales by Ann-Marie Imbornoni   St. Brendan (486?–578?) Also known as St. Brendan the Voyager, St. Brendan the Navigator…

Major League All-Time Pitching Records

(through 2006)Most Games Won—511, Cy Young, Cleveland N.L., 1890–98, St. Louis N.L., 1899–1900, Boston A.L., 1901–08, Cleveland A.L., 1909–11, Boston N.L., 1911.Most Games Won, Season—54, Al…

The Columbia Encyclopedia Sixth Edition

Editor Paul Lagassé Senior Editors Lora Goldman Archie Hobson Susan R. Norton Associate Editors Barry J. Katzen Alan D. Levy Theodore Zinn Contributors Curt Bertschi Helen Chumbley Jonathan…

NFL Football Preview 2000: NFC East

  NFL Preview: NFC EastWashington, Dallas, NY Giants, Arizona, Philadelphia   by Mike Morrison   1. Washington—If a player was available in the offseason, Daniel Snyder bought him. Now he…

Major League Baseball 1998 | All-Star Game

69th Baseball All-Star GameBy John Gettings This Tuesday night the stars of Major League Baseball will gather in Denver's Coors Field for the sport's traditional match-up of the American League'…

The Oscars

More Movies The Apostle Director/Writer: Robert DuvallDirector of Photography: Barry MarkowitzEditor: Stephen MackMusic: David MansfieldProduction Designer: Linda BurtonProducer: Rob Carliner…