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Displaying 371 - 380

Edward Eugene COX, Congress, GA (1880-1952)

COX, Edward Eugene, a Representative from Georgia; born near Camilla, Mitchell County, Ga., April 3, 1880; attended the grade schools, Camilla High School, the academic department of Mercer…

Edward Wester CREAL, Congress, KY (1883-1943)

CREAL, Edward Wester, a Representative from Kentucky; born in a log house near Mount Sherman, Larue County, Ky., November 20, 1883; attended the public schools of Hart and Larue Counties, Ky…

Edward David CRIPPA, Congress, WY (1899-1960)

Senate Years of Service: 1954-1954Party: RepublicanCRIPPA, Edward David, a Senator from Wyoming; born in Rock Springs, Sweetwater County, Wyo., April 8, 1899; attended the public schools;…

Edward Hull CRUMP, Congress, TN (1874-1954)

CRUMP, Edward Hull, a Representative from Tennessee; born on a farm near Holly Springs, Marshall County, Miss., October 2, 1874; attended the public schools; engaged in agricultural pursuits;…

John Edward CUNNINGHAM, III, Congress, WA (1931)

CUNNINGHAM, John Edward, III, a Representative from Washington; born in Chicago, Ill., March 27, 1931; graduated from Scituate High School, Scituate, Mass., 1948; graduated, University of San…

Edward Walter CURLEY, Congress, NY (1873-1940)

CURLEY, Edward Walter, a Representative from New York; born in Easton, Northampton County, Pa., May 23, 1873; moved to New York City with his parents in 1874; attended the public schools and…

Charles Edward DUDLEY, Congress, NY (1780-1841)

Senate Years of Service: 1829-1833Party: JacksonianDUDLEY, Charles Edward, a Senator from New York; born in Johnston Hall, Staffordshire, England, May 23, 1780; immigrated to the United States…

Edward Bishop DUDLEY, Congress, NC (1789-1855)

DUDLEY, Edward Bishop, a Representative from North Carolina; born near Jacksonville, Onslow County, N.C., December 15, 1789; attended the local academy; member of the State house of commons…