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Florey, Howard Walter Florey, Baron

(Encyclopedia) Florey, Howard Walter Florey, Baron, 1898–1968, British pathologist, b. Australia. He was educated at Adelaide Univ. and at Cambridge and Oxford and returned to Oxford as professor of…

Beaton, Sir Cecil Walter Hardy

(Encyclopedia) Beaton, Sir Cecil Walter HardyBeaton, Sir Cecil Walter Hardybēˈtən [key], 1904–80, English scenery and costume designer, photographer, writer, painter, and diarist. After designing his…

Kalckreuth, Leopold Karl Walter, Graf von

(Encyclopedia) Kalckreuth, Leopold Karl Walter, Graf vonKalckreuth, Leopold Karl Walter, Graf vonlāˈōpôlt kärl välˈtər gräf fən kälkˈroit [key], 1855–1928, German painter and graphic artist. He…

Runciman, Walter Runciman, 1st Viscount

(Encyclopedia) Runciman, Walter Runciman, 1st ViscountRunciman, Walter Runciman, 1st Viscountrŭnˈsĭmən [key], 1870–1949, British shipping magnate and public official. He inherited his father's large…

Kopit, Arthur

(Encyclopedia) Kopit, Arthur, 1937-2021, American playwright, b. New York, New York, as Arthur Lee Koenig, Harvard Univ. (BS, 1959). Kopit’s parents…

Lockhart, John Gibson

(Encyclopedia) Lockhart, John Gibson, 1794–1854, Scottish editor, lawyer, literary critic, and biographer; son-in-law and biographer of Sir Walter Scott. A major contributor to Blackwood's Magazine,…

Citrine, Walter McLennan Citrine, 1st Baron

(Encyclopedia) Citrine, Walter McLennan Citrine, 1st BaronCitrine, Walter McLennan Citrine, 1st Baronsĭtrēnˈ [key], 1887–1983, English trade union leader. An electrician, he became district secretary…

Cecil, Lord David

(Encyclopedia) Cecil, Lord DavidCecil, Lord Davidsĭsˈəl, sĕs– [key] (Lord Edward Christian David Gascoyne Cecil), 1902–86, English biographer. He was professor of English literature at Oxford (1948–…