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Faure, Élie

(Encyclopedia) Faure, ÉlieFaure, Élieālēˈ fōr [key], 1873–1937, French art historian. Trained in medicine, he brought his scientific knowledge to bear in his study of the history of art, relating it…

Ballantyne, James

(Encyclopedia) Ballantyne, JamesBallantyne, Jamesbălˈəntīn [key], 1772–1833, Scottish editor and publisher. Ballantyne and his brother John set up a publishing business in Edinburgh with the aid of…

Seward, Anna

(Encyclopedia) Seward, AnnaSeward, Annasēˈwərd [key], 1742–1809, English poet, called the Swan of Lichfield. A member of the Lichfield literary group, which included Thomas Day and Erasmus Darwin,…

Amadas, Philip

(Encyclopedia) Amadas or Amidas, PhilipAmadas or Amidas, Philipboth: ămˈədăs [key], 1550–1618, English navigator. With Arthur Barlowe he was sent by Sir Walter Raleigh in 1584 to explore the North…

Houston Grand Opera

(Encyclopedia) Houston Grand Opera, opera company in Houston, Tex., founded 1955 by the German-American impresario and conductor Walter Herbert, who was general director and conductor until 1972. The…

Melrose, town, Scotland

(Encyclopedia) Melrose, town (1991 pop. 2,221), Scottish Borders, S Scotland, on the Tweed River. It is the site of one of the finest ruins in Scotland—Melrose Abbey, owned by the nation and founded…

Aspen Music Festival

(Encyclopedia) Aspen Music Festival, classical music festival held annuallly each summer in Aspen, Colo. Chicagoans Walter and Elizabeth Paepcke established the Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies…

Agramonte, Arístides

(Encyclopedia) Agramonte, ArístidesAgramonte, Arístidesärēˈstēdās ägrämōnˈtā [key], 1869–1931, Cuban physician and pathologist, M.D. Columbia, 1892. A member of the medical corps of the U.S. army, he…

Slezak, Leo

(Encyclopedia) Slezak, LeoSlezak, Leoslāˈzäk [key], 1873–1946, Czech tenor, pupil of Jean de Reszke. After his debut as Lohengrin at Brno in 1896, he sang in Vienna, Berlin, and later at the…