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(Encyclopedia) vanilla, a plant of the genus Vanilla of the family Orchidaceae (orchid family). Vines of hot, damp climates, most are indigenous to Central and South America, especially Mexico, but…

San Leandro

(Encyclopedia) San LeandroSan Leandrosăn lēănˈdrō [key], city (1990 pop. 68,223), Alameda co., W Calif., on San Francisco Bay; inc. 1872. Metal, wood, and paper products; chemicals; leather goods;…

butterfly flower

(Encyclopedia) butterfly flower,&sp;fringeflower, or poor-man's-orchid, any of the showy plants of the genus Schizanthus of the family Solanaceae (nightshade family), native to Chile but grown…

Bergman, Hjalmar

(Encyclopedia) Bergman, HjalmarBergman, Hjalmaryälˈmär bĕrˈyəmän [key], 1883–1931, Swedish novelist, dramatist, and short-story writer. A popular and prolific writer, Bergman wrote from the…

essential oils

(Encyclopedia) essential oils, volatile oils that occur in plants and in general give to the plants their characteristic odors, flavors, or other such properties. Essential oils are found in various…

Plant Hall of Fame

Biggest Flower Rafflesia arnoldii Each bloom can be as big as 3 feet wide and can weigh up to 24 pounds. The reddish-brown…


(Encyclopedia) sepal, a modified leaf, part of the outermost of the four groups of flower parts. The sepals of a flower are collectively called the calyx and act as a protective covering of the inner…


(Encyclopedia) ass, hoofed, herbivorous mammal of the genus Equus, closely related to the horse. It is distinguished from the horse by its small size, large head, long ears, and small hooves. There…