(Encyclopedia) Cotton, George Edward Lynch, 1813–66, English clergyman and educator, grad. Trinity College, Cambridge, 1836. From 1837 until 1852 he was an assistant master at Rugby and is the “young…
(Encyclopedia) wolframitewolframitew&oobreve;lˈfrəmītˌ [key], reddish-brown to grayish-black lustrous mineral, a tungstate of iron and manganese, (Fe,Mn)Wo4, occurring in crystals of the…
LAMBERTSON, William Purnell, a Representative from Kansas; born in Fairview, Brown County, Kans., March 23, 1880; attended the public schools, Ottawa (Kans.) University, and the law school of…
KEARNS, Charles Cyrus, a Representative from Ohio; born in Tonica, La Salle County, Ill., February 11, 1869; moved with his parents to Georgetown, Brown County, Ohio, in 1874; attended the…
The Question: I've always thought that the only sentence that uses all the letters of the alphabet was "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog." Is…
Getting Searched on a BusThe Supreme CourtCollecting EvidenceSearching Your Car When You're Stopped for SpeedingUsing the Right Not to KnockFinding Marijuana with Thermal-Imaging…
Senate Years of Service: 1909-1915; 1928-1929Party: Republican; RepublicanBURTON, Theodore Elijah, a Representative and a Senator from Ohio; born in Jefferson, Ashtabula County, Ohio, December…