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Brown, Jacob Jennings

(Encyclopedia) Brown, Jacob Jennings, 1775–1828, American general, b. Bucks co., Pa. In the War of 1812 he defeated (May, 1813) a British attempt to take Sackets Harbor, N.Y., and the next year…

Brown, John Carter

(Encyclopedia) Brown, John Carter, 1797–1874, American book collector and philanthropist, b. Providence, R.I.; son of Nicholas Brown. In about 1840 he began collecting books printed before 1800…

Brown, Joseph Emerson

(Encyclopedia) Brown, Joseph Emerson, 1821–94, U.S. public official, b. Pickens District, S.C. As governor of Georgia during the Civil War, Brown quarreled with Jefferson Davis over conscription and…

Brown, Margaret Wise

(Encyclopedia) Brown, Margaret Wise, 1910–52, American children's book author, b. Brooklyn, N.Y., B.A Hollins College, 1932. Continuing her education at the Bureau of Educational Experiments (now the…

Brown, Michael Stuart

(Encyclopedia) Brown, Michael Stuart, 1941–, American molecular geneticist, b. New York City, M.D. Univ. of Pennsylvania, 1966. He worked (1968–71) as a researcher at the National Institutes of…

Brown, Norman Oliver

(Encyclopedia) Brown, Norman Oliver, 1913–2002, American scholar, philosopher, and social critic, b. El Oro, Mexico; grad. Oxford (1936), Univ. of Wisconsin (Ph.D.). A classicist much influenced by…

Brown, Paul Eugene

(Encyclopedia) Brown, Paul Eugene, 1908–91, American football coach, b. Norwalk, Ohio, B.A., Miami Univ., 1925, M.A., Ohio State Univ., 1930. After coaching high school teams, he coached Ohio State (…

Brown, Samuel Robbins

(Encyclopedia) Brown, Samuel Robbins, 1810–80, American missionary and educator, b. East Windsor, Conn. As a missionary (1839–47) to China, he took charge of a school founded by the Morrison…

Brown, Walter Folger

(Encyclopedia) Brown, Walter FolgerBrown, Walter Folgerfōlˈjər [key], 1869–1961, American cabinet officer, b. Massillon, Ohio. A lawyer of Toledo, Ohio, he became prominent in Republican politics and…

Brown, William Wells

(Encyclopedia) Brown, William Wells, 1814–84, African-American abolitionist, writer, and doctor, b. near Lexington, Ky. Born into slavery, the child of a black slave mother and a white slaveholding…