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Philippines, The

(Encyclopedia) CE5 Philippines, ThePhilippines, Thefĭlˈəpēnzˌ [key], officially Republic of the Philippines, republic (2015 est. pop. 101,716,000), 115,830 sq mi (300,000 sq km), SW Pacific, in…

Bull, The

(Encyclopedia) Bull, The, English name for Taurus, a constellation.

Border, the

(Encyclopedia) Border, the, region surrounding the boundary between England and Scotland. From the coast near Berwick along the Tweed River through the Cheviot Hills and on to Solway Firth, the…

Bowery, the

(Encyclopedia) Bowery, theBowery, thebouˈərē, –ˈrē [key] [Dutch Bouwerie=farm], section of lower Manhattan, New York City. The Bowery, the street that gives the area its name, was once a road to the…

Virgin, The

(Encyclopedia) Virgin, The, English name for Virgo, a constellation.

Supremes, The

(Encyclopedia) Supremes, The, American vocal group, 1962-77. The Supremes were formed in Detroit, Mi., and were originally known as the Primettes—a…

Beatles, The

(Encyclopedia) Beatles, The, English rock music group formed in the late 1950s and disbanded in 1970. The members were John (Winston) Lennon, 1940–80, guitar and harmonica; (James) Paul McCartney,…

Who, The

(Encyclopedia) Who, The, English rock music group formed in 1964. The members were Peter Dennis Blanford Townshend, 1945–, Chiswick, London, U.K…

Valley, The

(Encyclopedia) Valley, The, town (2001 pop. 1,169), capital of the British dependency of Anguilla, in the West Indies. Located in the approximate center of the island, it is Anguilla's main town and…

Wash, The

(Encyclopedia) Wash, The, inlet of the North Sea, 20 mi (32 km) long and 15 mi (24 km) wide, between Lincolnshire and Norfolk, E England. It receives the Witham, Wellend, Nene, and Ouse rivers. It is…