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The Wizard of Oz | Chapter 1

by L. Frank Baum   DOROTHY LIVED IN THE MIDST of the great Kansas prairies, with Uncle Henry, who was a farmer, and Aunt Em, who was the farmer's wife. Their house was small, for the…

Women and Work

You can be most anything you want to be. Here is a sampling of just some of the careers you might consider, and women who have succeeded in them. Ambassador Eugenie Anderson (1910-1997), the first…

Eve, in genetics

(Encyclopedia) Eve, in genetics, popular term for a theoretical female ancestor of all living people, also known as Mitochondrial Eve. In 1987 biochemist Allan C. Wilson proposed that all living…

premenstrual syndrome

(Encyclopedia) premenstrual syndrome (PMS), any of various symptoms experienced by women of childbearing age in the days immediately preceding menstruation. It is most common in women in their…

Hanaford, Phoebe Ann (Coffin)

(Encyclopedia) Hanaford, Phoebe Ann (Coffin)Hanaford, Phoebe Ann (Coffin)hănˈəfərd [key], 1829–1921, American Universalist minister. She was the first woman ordained (1868) in New England. Hanaford…


In 1974 Mary Shields and Lolly Medley became the first two women to race in the Iditarod. Shields placed 23rd while Medley came in 26 minutes after her…

Moctezuma or Montezuma

Aztec emperor Born: 1480? In 1502 Moctezuma became the ninth emperor of the Aztec empire of Mexico. Almost constantly at war, the Aztecs had a large, expertly run army. But they were also masters…

World's First Skyjacking

The Question: When did the first case of hijacking occur? The Answer: We assume you're wondering about airplanes. In that case, the more…

Muriel Mickey Siebert

stockbrokerBorn: 1932Birthplace: Cleveland, Ohio Siebert attended Western Reserve University (now known as Case Western) but dropped out after two years when her father got cancer. In 1954 she…

Gray, Hanna Holborn

(Encyclopedia) Gray, Hanna Holborn, 1930–, American historian, president of the Univ. of Chicago (1978–93), b. Germany. Her father, the eminent historian Hajo Holborn, fled the Nazis in 1934 and…