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Displaying 371 - 380

Deep Impact Attacks Comet Tempel 1

For the past 138 years, since its discovery in 1867, Comet Tempel 1 has had distant but harmonious relations with the inhabitants of planet Earth. But on July 4, somewhere between Mars and Jupiter…

Matt Damon

actor, screenwriterBorn: 10/8/1970Birthplace: Cambridge, Massachusetts A Harvard University dropout, Damon struggled for years as a screenwriter and actor before becoming Hollywood's boy wonder as…

Women in Sports: Golf

Mary Queen of Scots was the first woman to play golf. It was during her reign that the famous golf course at St. Andrews was built, in 1552. Mary coined…

Helen Thomas

White House correspondentBorn: 8/4/1920Birthplace: Winchester, Kentucky After graduating from Wayne University, Thomas went to Washington, DC. In 1943 she began working for United Press…

Susan B. Anthony Dollar

Library of Congress Susan B. Anthony (1820-1906) is the first woman to appear on U.S. coinage. Anthony worked for nearly 70 years to bring suffrage (the right to vote) to women in the United…

Classical Mythology: Assembling the Argonauts

Assembling the ArgonautsClassical MythologyCrimes of Passion: Jason, Medea, and the ArgonautsAssembling the ArgonautsIn Search of AdventureWitch Way to the Golden FleeceCrime and Punishment: The Long…

Beacon Street Girls: Party Time

Party Time Late Saturday morning, Dad and I were doing the dishes from our yummy blueberry pancake breakfast when the phone rang. “Hello? Yes, she is. Hold on just a second. … It's…

Lenbach, Franz von

(Encyclopedia) Lenbach, Franz vonLenbach, Franz vonfränts fən lānˈbäkh [key], 1836–1904, German portrait painter. He studied in Munich and Rome and from 1863 to 1868 worked as a copyist of old…

Moody, Deborah

(Encyclopedia) Moody, Deborah, d. 1659, American colonial religious leader and colonizer, b. England. She emigrated (1639) to Massachusetts Bay and settled in Saugus (now Lynn, Mass.). After being…

Narcissus, in Roman history

(Encyclopedia) Narcissus, d. a.d. 54, secretary of the Roman Emperor Claudius I. A freedman with great influence, he revealed to Claudius the intrigue of Messalina and expedited her death (a.d. 48).…