Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found

Henry VII, Holy Roman emperor and German king

(Encyclopedia)Henry VII, c.1275–1313, Holy Roman emperor (1312–13) and German king (1308–13). A minor count of the house of Luxembourg, Henry was elected German king on the death of King Albert I after the el...


(Encyclopedia)Saxe-Coburg săks-kōbərg [key], Ger. Sachsen-Coburg, former duchy, central Germany. A possession of the Ernestine branch of the house of Wettin, it was given by Ernest the Pious (d. 1675) of Saxe-Go...


(Encyclopedia)Cranston, industrial city (2020 pop. 82,934), Providence co., central R.I., a residential suburb of Providence; inc. as a town 1754, as a city 1910. Its...

Joel, persons in the Bible

(Encyclopedia)Joel jōˈəl [key], in the Bible. 1 Prophet of the book of Joel. 2 Son of Samuel. He also appears under the name Vashni. ...

Augur, Hezekiah

(Encyclopedia)Augur, Hezekiah ôˈgər [key], 1791–1858, American sculptor. After a business failure he devoted himself to art and was encouraged by Samuel F. B. Morse. His bust of Washington and the statuette gr...

Hopkinson, Joseph

(Encyclopedia)Hopkinson, Joseph, 1770–1842, American jurist, b. Philadelphia; son of Francis Hopkinson. A successful lawyer, he helped to defend (1804) Justice Samuel Chase in impeachment proceedings and was asso...

Larkin, Oliver Waterman

(Encyclopedia)Larkin, Oliver Waterman, 1896–1970, American art historian, b. Medford, Mass. Larkin taught at Smith from 1924 to 1964. His major work is Art and Life in America (1949; Pulitzer Prize in history, 19...


(Encyclopedia)Sisyphus sĭsˈĭfəs [key], in Greek mythology, son of Aeolus and founder and king of Corinth. Renowned for his cunning, he was said to have outwitted even Death. For his disrespect to Zeus, he was c...


(Encyclopedia)einsteinium īnˈstīˌnēəm, īnstīˈ– [key] [for Albert Einstein], artificially produced radioactive chemical element; symbol Es; at. no. 99; mass no. of most stable isotope 252; m.p. about 860...

Edward VII

(Encyclopedia)Edward VII (Albert Edward), 1841–1910, king of Great Britain and Ireland (1901–10). The eldest son of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert, he was created prince of Wales almost immediately after his ...

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