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500 results found

Karlovy Vary

(Encyclopedia)Karlovy Vary kärˈlôvĭ väˈrĭ [key], Ger. Karlsbad, city (1991 pop. 56,222), NW Czech Republic, in Bohemia, at the confluence of the Teplá and Ohře rivers. A famous health resort, Karlovy Vary ...

Frederick the Fair

(Encyclopedia)Frederick the Fair, c.1286–1330, German antiking (1314–26), duke of Austria, son of Albert I, German king. On the death of Henry VII, Holy Roman emperor and German king, the split between the supp...

Perceval, Spencer

(Encyclopedia)Perceval, Spencer, 1762–1812, British statesman. He had a profitable law practice before he entered the House of Commons as a Tory in 1796. He was solicitor general (1801–2), attorney general (180...

Randall, James Garfield

(Encyclopedia)Randall, James Garfield, 1881–1953, American historian, b. Indianapolis, Ind. He taught history and political science at various colleges before joining (1920) the faculty of the Univ. of Illinois. ...

Carter, Howard

(Encyclopedia)Carter, Howard, 1874–1939, English Egyptologist. He served (1891–99) with the Egyptian Exploration Fund and later helped to reorganize the antiquities administration for the Egyptian government. C...

Sponde, Jean de

(Encyclopedia)Sponde, Jean de zhäN də spôNd [key], 1557–95, French poet and humanist. He held various posts in the court of Henry IV but died destitute because of his reckless nature. His Sonnets of Love and D...


(Encyclopedia)Tewkesbury tyo͞oksˈbərē [key], town (1991 pop. 9,454), Gloucestershire, W central England, on the Avon River near its junction with the Severn. Once noted for mustard production, its main industri...


(Encyclopedia)Vendôme, town (1990 pop. 18,359), Loir-et-Cher dept., N central France, in Orléanais. It is a manufacturing town with food processing, computer, and metal and electrical industries. The town develop...

Vervins, Treaty of

(Encyclopedia)Vervins, Treaty of vĕrvăNˈ [key], 1598, peace treaty signed at the small town of Vervins, Aisne dept., N France, by the representatives of Henry IV of France and Philip II of Spain. It ended the Fr...

Welsh Marches

(Encyclopedia)Welsh Marches, lands in Wales along the English border. After the Norman conquest of England in the 11th cent., William I established the border earldoms of Chester, Shrewsbury, and Hereford to protec...

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